The job was obtained in an open public procurement procedure, and is part of the European project CROCODILE 2, which aims to harmonize the ITS system of all entities in the road sector. The project is co-financed by the European Union - Connecting Europe Facility.
These are two contracts, one with Hrvatske autoceste (HAC), while the other is with the client Autoceste Rijeka - Zagreb (ARZ), for a total length of 1,087 kilometers.
BS Telecom Solutions, told Klix.ba that this is a big step in the company's development and a step towards the European Union market.
"Our BS Husky as ITS software is a regional leader and this is a confirmation of the fact that after Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro continues to expand to EU countries," he said, emphasizing that the subject of the project is only software implementation, while hardware components part of other contracts.
The project envisages the replacement of existing systems with an integrated highway management and control platform - BS Huskey, which is a protected product of BiH. a company that is a regional leader in this field. The contract also covers the introduction of European ITS directives and DATEX II standards in reporting facilities
The activities are related to the Central Center for Traffic Supervision and Management on the entire network of state highways in Zagreb, and a total of 12 regional traffic control and management centers will be upgraded and modernized. This would allow BS Husky software to monitor 1,087 kilometers of highway, which includes the longest tunnels in the Republic of Croatia - Sveti Rok and Mala Kapela.
Everything is part of the CROCODILE 2 CROATIA project involving state road and motorway managers, all for the purpose of ensuring coordinated traffic management and control, which should result in high quality passenger information services on one of the most important road corridors in Europe.